Trash, Fashion & Everything In Between

by - July 01, 2015

A week or two ago I was in a charity shop roaming around. Suddenly a girl came up to us and asked if she may ask us a question. My mum was on the verge of saying "sorry I don't work here"(you'll be surprised how many times my mum gets asked if she works in the shop. She doesn't), when the girl continues to talk. You might've guessed, she wasn't asking my mum for her assistence. The girl in question -aka Sabine- wondered if I'd like to be featured on her blog Trashfashion.

Sorry what?

If I like to be featured on her blog as a Trashfashionista? Not what we were expecting her to say. Not in a million years. But YES. NATURALLY. And after some mailing traffic, here it is! Mindblowing!

So here we are, looking at all the pictures that didn't make the cut... For outfit details [click here]. And yes there are even more outtakes that are too grotesque to show the world (but I'm sure you can imagine how they might look).

To be honest, I felt rather emotional about the whole thing. Especially the kindness from Sabine's side. I mean, it's one thing if your mother says that you look nice, but it's something entirely different if a stranger says it to your face (I'm still really flattered by your compliments mum! It's not you, it's me!).

Anyway, what is a Trashfashionista??? Well, my dear darlings, a Trashfashionista is someone who buys her clothes in a charity shop and looks fabulous doing so. Now I wouldn't necessarily classify myself as being fabulous (but I'm coming closer to it everyday), but I indeed do most of my shopping down in the charity shop. Except, as I told Sabine, for shoes. Not because I'm scared for previous sweaty feet that may have walked those shoes. I mean, once you've crossed the line between finding a (used) handkerchief TWICE in your beloved items, and you still take it -including handkerchief and all- home with you, there's nothing really stopping you for some sweaty feet. Bring on those stinky walkers! No. My main problem is that I just can't find a pair in my size. I know, poor me.

Thus if you'd like to read the interview (in Dutch. But that's why they've invented Google Translate) and see some snazzy pictures taken by my mum, than [click here].


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  1. The article is great. It's totally you!!

    love, Marjan
