Ich Hab Dich Lieb: Liebster Award 2017

by - August 08, 2017

Sometimes obvious things need to be pointed out before the so to speak ball starts rolling of a hill made out of 'duh's' and 'ah's'. Because duh Liebster is German for sweetest/dearest and ah I've been nominated for one by the wonderful Hannah Gladwin!

Hannah and I only recently 'met' through a Twitter bloggers chat. I'm the absolute worse when it comes to those kind of things as I always feel an unexplainable social pressure, instensified by unknown names fast pacing past my screen and giving me an inside into their gobsmacking worlds. While I just sit there, most probably in my pjs and with greasy hair, staring at that same tiny screen trying just a tad bit too hard to come up with witty/interesting/soul searching answers.

"Luckily there are others who aren't as self absorbed as me."

Luckily there are others who aren't as self absorbed as me and actually take the opportunity for what it's meant to be: a bloggers chat. In 140 characters. With funny gifs. (The gifs are actually very important, like, seriously, it can make or break your tweet). Hannah is one of those chat tweeters who reaches out in a friendly manner; instead of reaching inside like an air paddling dog. And her friendliness is only showing more and more by giving me this moment of #selfpromo and #sharepromo. So thank you again, Hannah!

Jetzt geht's los

Liebster thus stands for sweetest/dearest and this award can be seen as a chain love letter addressed to the lesser known blogger (under 200 followers). You can get nominated by other bloggers, and you as a nominee in return can nominate others. Eternal cycle. (Until somebody breaks it). This award is perfect as a shout out and actually made me realise how hard and nerve wrecking it is to find (although that could just be my mainstream taste ruining the party) and reach out to under 200 followers bloggers. Or, just, like, bloggers in general. For my Liebster blogger picks scroll down below!

Because NOW I'm going to ramble a bit about one of my favourite bloggers. This is part of the game, not just a sudden uncontrolled outburst of love. Although, you know, those happen too from time to time...

"But by all means don't be sad about that! That's just simply what hipsters do."

This blogger, opposed to my Bloglovin feed, is (although self-proclaimed) the only blog out there for certified hipsters. With posts varying from Indie bands you've probably never heard of to a well thought through talk about cultural appropriation and back again to a *quirky* Night In guide, Batsheva Dueck from Cynical Duchess knows it all and has seen it all before you even have thought about it. But by all means don't be sad about that! That's just what hipsters do.

And it's just lucky for me, and possibly you, who are like a H&M (Gucci rip-off) purple tee with a cat on it and the words 'Je m'appelle la dame dangereuse', just a copy of a copy of a copy. And again, you don't have to be sad about that. Because we unique and dangereuse mass cats consumers can still feel included with the outskirts of the world thanks to Batsheva's brilliant yet uncomplicated commentary.

Batsheva actually performs an act of international community service through her blogposts, guiding us lost for words into new and exciting conversations about breathy vocalists and cool vegan places around Union Square, Manhattan (New York, America). So thank you, Cynical Duchess, thank you very much!

RECOMMENDED: Liebster Award

10 zufällige Fakten über mich

To bring this post to a happy end, there stands only on thing to do (besides, you know, announcing my nominees or something, I can't quite recall): sharing 10 random facts about me. With you. (Yes, it's your lucky day). As I mentioned below Hannah's post, it's very unlikely I'm going to beat her list with randomness as well as uniqueness and interesting-ness. I mean, she opens with synchronised swimming! Synchronised swimming! That's above my talent grade, I tell ya! But I'll try to impress you as best as I can...

  1. I used to be fluent in German. Now I'm ok.
  2. This is actually the second time I've been nominated for a Liebster Award. I know, hold your horses, I'm sooooo popular they just can't get enough of me *starts laughing which slowly ends up in crying*
  3. I signed up for a Blogger account in April 2013, but only posted my first entry on May 12.
  4. I have never ever changed my Tumblr template (and curiously enough the font on my Tumblr now matches with my Blogger font, which I've changed multiple times; mainly due to me screwing it up/not understanding any code/hardly knowing how to turn on and off this computer).
  5. I currently own 17 pairs of shoes: 14 black ones, two wine red ones and one white pair. I've never worn the white shoes. I've owned them for almost three years. If not four. One day. One day more.
  6. I'm currently reading The Last Tycoon by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Funnily enough a new Amazon series just started (28 July), starring Matt Bomer as Monroe Stahr and here comes the funny Matt Bomer and I share the same birthday #MINDBLOWN #HOW???? #ISTHISMAGIC??!!! #FUNNYORVOODOO??@!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I currently have 26 tabs open. Please internet don't fail me now. *opens new tab*
  8.  Last video I watched on Youtube (while I'm writing this at 00:03/8-8-2017) is: Aaron Tveit sings Pasek & Paul's "Along The Way" ON REPEAT
  9. (I'm really struggling coming up with things at this point, does it show?)
  10. THANK GOODNESS IT'S THE LAST ONE!! Uhm... well... now it's already 00:47 (but still 8-8-2017). That's indeed 44 minutes lost in space. I got distracted. Sorry.

Und die Nominierten sind..

Below you find my nominees for the Liebster Award 2017. I've based my choices on their Bloglovin following (-200 followers, sorry guys, next time better) and them/me following them on Twitter (thanks to yet another succesful blogger chat. I'm beginning to get the hang of this after almost five years). I think/hope/wish that these lovely blogger bunch haven't already been nominated, otherwise I'd like to apologise in advance for being so very inconsidered and badly read. *bows and walks backwards, while still bowing, off into darkness*

Still confused and/or curious? For all the rules and guidelines you can check The Official Rules for the Liebster Award 2017! (Honestly, I've also got no idea what I'm doing...).

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  1. You rocked this post! Thanks for your kind words :) so liebster of you haha. But, seriously it made me all fuzzy :) it's comforting to know you're also o 'tab-opener'! What do you think of the Last Tycoon so far? I've only read the Great Gatsby so I should probably expand my horizons! :)

    1. I love The Last Tycoon so far! As you can see it's a combi book with first the last finished novel by Fitzgerald (Tender is the night), then followed by his last written (unfinished) novel The Last Tycoon. Although I enjoyed reading Tender, I really could sort of read how the book and story was written and changed over -I think- a span of seven years. The tone and perspective really 'suddenly' changed from one chapter to another and it actually took me longer than expected to finish it as I felt I was reading a different book than I started with. However Tycoon has grabbed my attention from the get go (making me feel invested in the story and the characters from the first page) and I feel these characters are also more loveable and 'interesting' (less shallow portrayed perhaps, but that could just be me) and, I mean, there's no business like show business! I really look forward watching the series -as the trailer is VERY dramatic- but only after I finish reading the book! But would certainly recommend giving both books a read! I've read that many reviewers over time find Tender is the night better than The great gatsby, so, I mean, those are some accusations there! ;)

  2. dude. I'm sniffling. My heart. It's sitting there cracked open in the corner whimpering with emotion. No no, don't look. It's too raw with emotion right now. You'll embarrass it. Dominique-- I don't even know what to say! I am so touched-- I honestly have never received such a beautiful compliment (blogging wise ) before. I seriously do not even know what to say, and I don't think the paper thin 'thank you' will cut it. Dominique--Just. Just, just. <3 <-------- x 100000000000000000 etc.

