Do Ya Love Me 'Cause I Wanna Know
Trousers+Shoes+Shirt: H&M/ Jacket: Thrift Store/ Scarf: Miss Etam/ Necklaces: Hardware Store
"You either love them or hate them", the saleswoman said to me when I (in the sense of my mom) was paying for these trousers. "One customer walks away with them as if they've found the love of their life. Others look at them as if they've just gone mad".
Checkered trousers, for me, got this massive association with punk (the good kind of punk). Although I must admit, I'm as far as you're gonna get from punk. Though, I've got a button which says "Punk grrrrl Rock" in pretty pink. That's a message from the heart.
About "message from the heart", I gave my sister a little listen to Broken by Jake Bugg (I somehow am in the mood for melo-dramatic soft tender music, must be the weather changing). And after our sit through all she said was, "He's got quite a funny voice". Which 1) is true. I really need to be in a sort of mood to listen to his music (which makes "special"). And 2) Wasn't really the deep emotional message behind the song/videoclip... or it was and I'm just like those amature art historians who sees behind every depicted thing a deep meaning/symbol. While in fact it's just an orange.