3D Collages Of Inspiration (Countdown) Part 1

by - August 19, 2013

It won't be long before I return back to school... like next Monday. With returning back to school I obviously mean: going to a new unknown school I've visited once in my life. So to prepare myself for what the future withholds, I've decided to make 3D Collages of Inspiration (well, I didn't really had anything to do except for freaking out... what might explain the level of composition. Bare with me). Think of it as a poor representation of a countdown, because oh yeah this will return for the coming days. So sit back, relax and enjoy the show.

Hat: Flea Market/ Scarf: Gift from my aunt/ Shirt: InWear/ Skirt: Made by my mum/ Bag: Thrift Store/ Fan: Museum Store (Hermitage Amsterdam)


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