1. It snowed! (picture taken from my mum's Instagram) | 2. It's a spoon made out of chocolate. Do I need to say more?? | 3. My parents and I went to Gemeentemuseum Den Haag for the exhibition Romantic Fashions. More about that soon(ish)... | 4. Happy new year!
Inspired by Amy Valentine, I thought that a new year was a good time to start with regular Sunday summaries.
This week was naturally overshadowed by the new year passing by. Although new year, lets face it, is quite the same as Christmas. People make this really big thing out of it (guilty as charged) and it mostly just ends up in time passing by. A bit of a disapointment, really. Or not a disapointment as we never make any fuss about either events. In my household we toast with green tea and lay under the wool, sturdy asleep, before the clock has struck half past one. But I always feel like more need or should happen. Maybe TWO cups of tea. Born to be wild, I know...